Three anime shows to watch during quarantine
We all know what anime is like right if its not super giant robots fighting toiling wins or the supernatural. Its a sleazy love triangle and some high school drama or the combination of above four. During the quarantine days I got a chance to watch three anime shows beside many other series to kill my time and I found these three very interesting so I thought I might share my experience with you all. Samurai Champloo Samurai Champloo is the second series by the director Shin’ichiro Watanabe after Cowboy Bebop. Series is more episodic where each episode contains a story of its own. The show is about the journey than the destination itself. Three main characters are Mugen, Jin, and Fuu. Mugen seems a very dynamic character while Jin is a dull one. Fuu can be described as a monkey on a push bicycle. Soundtracks deserve a mention because the anime uses hip hop as its main theme and music fits surprisingly best for the series. For the animation this is one of the best animations ...